
Friday, April 17, 2009

How About This?

What do you think of this deep lavender color on the ceiling? I'm don't think I love it but I like the unexpectedness of the color being on the ceiling. You would definitely need to have a high ceiling to pull this off, otherwise the ceiling could feel like it was closing in on you. Also cool colors would be easier to make work because they tend to recede; making a space feel bigger. I wouldn't over do this; meaning only do this once in your whole house. I also like the stark contrast of the simple white walls and gray cabinets with the pop of color. Simplicity in the rest of the room is key.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and the lilac hues in the art on the wall and the lilac colored flowers pull it all together. Like you, I'm not sure I would do lilac, but the color on the ceiling is nice.
